SPF offers a wide range of specialized services


SPF offers Local Authorities support for the definition of urban regeneration strategies as well as feasibility studies in order to enhance areas’ value.

Examples of plan and policies issues that our planners team deals with are:

  • infrastructure projects for the three years public works planning
  • drafting and then assessing public tendering announcements
  • tendering processes, select best tenders, conduct feasibility studies on projects, social housing, PPP and PF projects organization
  • Analysis, management and monitoring of local and regional Plans and Policies Instruments (POR - Piani Operativi Regionali, DOCUP - Documento di Programmazione, PRG - Piano Regolatore Generale, PGT - Piano di Governo del Territorio, building and construction authorisations)
  • Collaboration with trade associations in infrastructural networks projects, EU funds management and access, Project Financing and micro-finance operations.

SPF is actually sponsor of the research project by the PhD candidate Miss Stefania Fiorentino to the Bartlett School of Planning at the UCL – United College London.

The research investigates the evolutions of cluster and Italian industrial districts, developing urban regeneration strategies for those areas.